Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Being a Bilingual
When you are trying to adapt to a new environment, the most useful and effective tool is the native language, in my experience, it is Cantonese. Young age is an advantage in learning languages. I can speak Cantonese as fluent as most native Cantonese only after a few weeks of study, which helps me make lots of Cantonese friends and adapt into the life there. In general, native residence always shows prejudice and even discrimination on immigrants, the ability of speaking the native language would help bring kindness from those native residences to you. Furthermore, the understanding of the language leads to a faster comprehensive of the culture there. Nowadays, I can still both mandarin and Cantonese to communicate with people, it helps me a lot. Similarly, if you can speak both English and Spanish, it obviously helps.
Learning new language is always with difficulties. When you start to learn a new language, as the limitation of age and something else, you can hardly speak really native as native speakers did. Also, while the way of learning a new language, you might gradually lose your native accent of your previous language. However, it is not a big problem.
Being a bilingual is a good phenomenon of communications among cultures. I hope I can speak more languages in the future.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
ISB extra credit
Biotechnology is one of the newest technologies that studied and applied by human in current world. It can simply defined by United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity as any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use. In general, biotechnology can change our life in positive way, like more crop harvest, more food choice, medicine, biodiversity and so on. However, it can also cause some problems which refer to unhealthy food, ethical against and even a challenge toward to human’s dominating position.
First of all, biotechnology makes great impact on nowadays’ agricultural issues. It can dramatically increase the production of specific crops and plants. This huge add upon food supply in some regions, especially in developing country and the third world’s countries, help to solve the food shortage or so called hunger crisis happens there. For example in China, the total sales of biotechnological products in China have increased by nearly fifty times during a10-year period from 13 billion RMB in 1997 to more than 20 billion RMB in year 2000 (Ju, 2001). It really helped to release the hunger problem so that the development of the Chinese economy is performing well. Also in some developed country, an increase in crop production also helped. For example in the United State, a detailed study shows that biotechnology helped increase U.S. agricultural production by 8.34 billion pounds on 123 million acres in 2005, according to an article provided by Excellence Through Stewardship organization. Also, benefits like an increase in farmers’ income, enhancement in sustainability, reduction in environmental footprint and improvement in crops’ quality gained from using biotechnology helps us a lot. Plus, some future or potential benefits in more biological way is being studied by scientist.
However, biotechnology also brings some problems. A big worry from a social view is whether Genetic modified food is health or not. Although scientists tried to prove that Genetic modified food is not less healthy than natural growth food, people nowadays still prefer the natural one. Furthermore, the change of traits in organism in order to get better species is against human in ethic and moral aspects. Some species result from a modification in genetic way are proven with less or non ability to exist in nature world. One of the most examples of using biotechnology
Citation page:
1. Ju, Jin, “Life Science and Biotechnology in China”, May 28, 2001
2. “Agricultural Biotechnology: Benefits Delivered”, Excellence Through Stewardship,
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Elizabeth hill boone reading response
The first part, for which the topic is “Limited notions of writing”, points that almost all the scholars who have looked seriously at writing systems in their general sense have defined writing as spoken language that is recorded or referenced phonetically by visible marks. However, seems most of these scholars are linguists; it is easier for them to tie writing to speech. “Speech has evolved as the fullest and most efficient means of conveying thought. Only full spoken language enables us as human beings to express any and all thoughts” said Defrancis. Also, other scholars give different opinions in order to emphasize the limitation of certain writing systems. Some examples of limitation for some writing systems are given.
We can simply define writing as the ability to write or compose, however, scholars, who are still trying to find out an inclusive definition of writing, pull out several meanings and definition of writing. By analyzing the focus and concentration of different definitions, we can get to those similarities which are the main characteristic of the issue, but it is still hard to announce an inclusive summary.
In the last sub topic of this article, Elizabeth talks about some writing systems in Pre-Columbian America, for sure the most famous one is the writing system that had had been used in Maya civilization.
In conclusion, this essay is actually talking about those writing systems that beyond only-writing which means other method and media of writing, like graphic and visual literacy. Writing or in a boarder way we can say literacy, plays a vital role in recording information for histories of human evolution. Sometimes these simple ways of recording or expressing could even be better than normal writing way which is text. Like in our assignment 4, the purpose is to use another forms and Medias of writing to express the topic that we composed in one form.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Homework due on Apr 8th--how do literacy and technology shape each other
A development of technology means to answer the demand for more technological skills and knowledge. For example, what we are talking about is “how do literacy and technology shape each other”, each new literacy technology always begins with a restricted communications function and gradually becomes common in order to match the increasing requirements of majorities.
What differs human from animal is the use of tools. For literacy issue, tool means pen, pencil, printer etc. As the appearance of computer, computer-writing gradually removes the usage of pen and pencil. This is what we called an evolution of literacy technology, which encourages a more efficiency and convenience way of living. However, worries from anthropologists which are a risk of making humans disable in terms of over rely on high technologies. Time will tell.
A development in technology provides a wider space for literacy. More ways of communication and forms of media consummates literacy. Meanwhile, a higher requirement and demand for literacy skills like convenience and efficiency also encourages a promotion in technology.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Personal reflecion essay...
In class, we talked about every possible literacy forms that we generally accept, not only in our daily life, but also in our major field and jobs. We found that literacy is everywhere. However when we got out from the classroom, I still found myself knowing nothing about literacy. Therefore I started to pay attentions to things around to see if something is related to literacy. Symbols, books, newspaper, paper, music, sports, and skill and so on, I think about almost every substance around me. I collect similarities and relationships among these things. Generally conducted that Literacy is an expression and comprehending of things including emotion, culture, willingness, etc. The ability to express and comprehend extend into other skills like communication, computer, language, mathematic, etc. This is what we refer to new meanings of literacy; however it is still based on ability to express and understand. There are still some other forms and meanings of literacy exist in our everyday life. When we get older, which means gaining more life experience, we should be able to better explain what literacy is.
About the group literacy map, firstly we listed out all our literacy that is relative to our personal experience and ability. Then we sit together and tried to find out those similarities and differences. We summarized our thinking about literacy in order to find a most acceptable definition of literacy. Finding relationships among group members is not a hard job compare of listing them in a same map. We spend nearly one whole lab class time in searching for map forms via Google. We hope it works.
This project helps us gaining more information about literacy. I really enjoy the process co-operating with my lovely group members: Bofei Wang, Cong Hui and Richeng Liu.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Workplace literacy--skills
After searching on internet, I found a word, which is “workplace literacy”, that relative to what I meant other skills. Workplace literacy is defined as literacy services that are offered for the purpose of improving the productivity of the workforce through the improvement of literacy skills. It means a basic work and communication skills, those that are specific to job, not the ability to read books and literacy. These kinds of literacy skills is no doubt influencing the choice of employers, even some specific certifications are required for employees to gain more competiveness in the market. Now as we are still in the college, we have the opportunity to learn more literacy skills like computer skills, language skills, driving skills and public speaking skills. The more the literacy power we have, the more competitive we are.
As the result of searching for literacy for a few days, I still can not explain a definition that could describe all the meanings of literacy. Literacy is sourced from language, but gradually spread out into other fields of the human society. The only two words I think to describe literacy are “ability” and “power”. Literacy is an understanding and comprehending of life, as we gain more living experiences, we might be able to better say what literacy is.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Original Literacy
However, there are still many kinds of languages that exist in the world, like English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and so on. Every language has its own cultural background which describes those residences that live in that area. The communication among languages, which means a better understanding of different people with different nationalities, definitely encourages the development of human civilization.
This literacy is dominating in the human society. Words are basic elements of cultures. Literacy is a tool to express culture and also to understand a culture. Although literacy may become wider and deeper in definition, however, the foundation is around expressing and comprehending.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Sports Literacy
I like sports, not only it can better our health, but also it is a carrier of spirit and faith. In 2002, I started to become additive to soccer of course because of 2002 World Cup which is held in Japan and Korea. As some other big-ball sports, enthusiasm and co-operation is high demanded in soccer, from where I learn the importance of teamwork. Nowadays, we can see players from different countries all playing in a same league, like English Premier League. That encourages the communication among countries. There is a saying that there is no border among players. A sports culture is going to be harvest.
Not only in soccer and basketball, we also have some other leagues for football, tennis, golf and so on. These sports are influencing large amount of people as they becoming more and more popular in the world, which can help encourage a healthy living style. Furthermore, some crazy fans also recognize the team or player they support as a faith.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Music Literacy
I was asked, actually force to learn one kind of music instrument when I was just 12 years old. Randomly, I picked guitar as my start of music. Through practicing guitar, I can gradually understand the emotional blood flush among rhythms and notes in the music. I try to use my heart to perform a song by knowing the background of composing the song rather than just read the music score. I also tried to compose some songs to express my own emotions. You will understand the meaning of the song only when you know something about my life.
Music is an expression of emotion and life. As if we have music as a tool, we could understand others’ emotions by enjoying beautiful rhythms and notes. Music is really a magical literacy.
Friday, March 6, 2009
First thought about literacy
The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write or the ability to use languages to read, write and speak. In modern contexts, the word refers to reading and writing at a level adequate for communication, or at a level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society, so as to take part in that society. Therefore, literacy refers to an understanding of life with a particular language background in my opinion.
As literacy is such an abstract word, I was wondering what exactly literacy is after the class. On the way back to my dorm, some interesting design labels caught my attention. Beside the bridge near the Bessy Hall, there is a stone located there, which is frequently used by some fraternities’ members to doodle in order to promote their fraternity. Doodle, which is similar to painting and drawing, expresses the spirit and faith of the fraternity. The extra power and enthusiasm as an outcome of doodle are something that normal promotions like flyers and texts can not bring. I would like to consider doodle and design as literacy since they are ways of expressing spirit, faith and even culture.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Homework due on Mar 2nd ---literacy
Literacy is a way to describe the life that someone lives. Writing and reading apparently can help to show the life. We could understand the life within one particular place by reading literacy outcomes, like newspaper and novel that expressed by combining all existing elements through life. We are using literacy to express ourselves and communicate to each other. In my opinion, literacy is about language, but not only about language. It is not only about how to write and read by using one specific language, what's more is an understand and precieve about the culture.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Genre memo
To: Franny Howes
From: Suyang Tan
Date: 2-27-2009
Re: Genre Memo for [Novel, Music drama, photo]
A novel is defined by a combination of its substance, its scope, its style, and that it can be located along a certain arc of the history of literature. A novel is always a description of a society the trying to reveal the negative parts in it. Different methods that author uses on novels to figure personae endow audience huge space to image the stories in his view and this is always the reason that novel is attractive. My text for genre novel is a brief description and introduction of a famous novel. I hope my text can help introduce novel to you.
The second genre I writing about is Music drama. Music drama is description of a story through a stage-performance form. One of most important characteristics is the use of music during the performance. Actors use their singing to express the emotion and feeling in the story. Watching music drama is considered to be an elegant behavior however music drama are still not that popular as other genres forms like film and novel. People who are interested at music should be likely to be audience to music drama. My text is a description of one of the most famous music drama which is “Phantom of the Opera”, however the best way to know the charm of music drama is to buy a ticket in a theater and enjoy a drama.
The last genre I wrote about is photo. By comparing with the other two genres I mentioned, photo is using a more visual way to express feelings and substances. By using a still and catch of picture, photographer are trying to record something beautiful and meaningful or remind and reveal something that may not easily be noticed in daily life. Photo is suitable for everyone so that it becomes the most common and convenient media in current life. In my text, I am describing a meaningful photo that reveals the poverty problem in the world. Through looking at the photo, we can perceive more than just on the picture, use your imagination to perceive the world.
Suyang Tan
To regain the nature of goodness—Review of “Oliver twist”
Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of people’s life in
The author, who was born in a poor family, wrote this novel in his twenties to reveal the ugly mask of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden under the narrow and dirty streets in
How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in mind? The reason I think is the nature of goodness, which is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens. He believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I do not believe in god, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily that those who are evil-minded.
For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary lessons for a person. However, to my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They rarely believe in people’s honesty and kindness. They thought they were smart; however they have not noticed yet that the most beautiful thing in the world which is “Trust between hearts” is gradually gone. In their opinions, money and authority are everything. It is fearful when you find yourself become a slave for evils.
Francis Bacon said in his essay that “Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the deity, and without it, man is busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better that a kind of vermin.” It shows that a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. Therefore, I really wish those “vermin-to-be” to learn from the lovely Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.
The novel form of
2. Music Drama
Phantom of the opera is one of the most famous music drama is the world. It describes a love story happened in the French Paris opera house in 19th century. In 1882, there is an ugly guy, who is also with a mask and has brilliant endowment in music, live in the cave deep place of the opera house. Throughout years, he used his frequent mysteriously appears and disappears to avoid vision which common people alarmed and afraid despises. That is the reason that he is being called “The demon shade”. He frequently makes each kind of posture of by the ghosts and demons, drives those singers that he does not like away, even influencing the authority of the lead candidate in the opera house. By accident, he found a singer named Gram Li Silk, who has an uncommon talent beautiful sound. He decided to train the young lady to be the chief soprano no count all prices. However, actually he gradually found himself transforming the feeling towards Gram Li Silk from music to external desire. He tried to remove every possible potential element that may pull her down, by even using extreme artifices and methods. Afterwards, theater investor Lowell recognized the Gram Li Silk was his childhood plays partner, two people fell deeply in love. This accident love almost made “the Demon shade” crazy and bad tempered. His crazy behavior and desire to destroy things gradually transferred the fear to his sentiment from love. After half years, Lowell had secret engagement with Gram Li Silk, demon shade suddenly appear in the opera house masked ball, then he forced opera house to perform the his opera “the Tang Semi-annular jade pendant”, this crazy actions drove Lowell realize that a duel is the only way the end demon shade’s annoyance. On the date that “the Tang Semi-annular Jade pendant” first performed, the demon shade secretly replaced the actor by killing in order to perform with Gram Li Silk. Unexpectedly, she took off his mask in the performance during the play, which made Demon shade extremely angry. He was ashamed and forced Gram Li silk to his secret room underground.
The theatric and stage effects endow the music drama a direct vision to express the meaning of it. Using songs to express sentiment is the most important characteristic in music drama, audiences can perceive the feeling through watching actors’ emotional and fantastic performances. The scenario of music drama is always not as complicate as novels or other forms of literacy, however, the special stage effects is making music dramas more and more popular.
3. Photo
On the photo, we can see two hands grasping closely, however we are not saying something like friendship and cooperation, what we are concerning about is poverty and hunger. A big white hand stands for those people who are having normal living condition, we do not need to worry that if one day we are going to die because of the lack of food. We study, we work, we eat, we drink sometimes we even travel, and we are enjoying our lives. We live in heaven, don’t we? However there are always some people that do not even have the ability for even just surviving in the world. They do not have house, they do not have a chance to go to school, they do not have enough food, and they do even have pure water to drink. When looking at the black and dry hand in the photo, we should have imaged what kind of life those poverty people are suffering. Fortunately, more and more people start to realize the problem which is an unfair distribution of the world’s welfare. They go to
Photo is such an amazing media that remind people of something by a visual way. Through a still of menu and picture, people can perceive things that may not be noticed and observed in daily life. This is the reason that photo is becoming one of the most frequent use media in current life.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

This photo is about the celebration of Eduardo after scoring in the game facing Cardiff. Exactly 358 days before that night, Eduardo had left the pitch with his soccer career in doubt. His leg had been fractured, his ankle had been dislocated and on one in the world could promise he would be back to pitch even after one year round. The career for a soccer player is pretty short that one year absence from pitch would nearly destroy the future of the player. Doctors and team physios struggle great efforts to help him returning back to soccer world. The effort that he paid and the tears and sweats that he felt off behind the sight of the fans’ view emotionally causes a celebration with huge enthusiasms, to which the soccer fans of the whole world pray. Look into his eyes, what we see is the eager towards scoring, wining and proving himself. He used his fantastic performance announcing his backing, with a shake of everyone’s heart. It is not only a miracle in medical and physical area, but also an incredible reflects of the adamancy of human’s heart and soul. Eduardo is backing with twice scored in his first match after injure, we can believe a stronger and braver man is returning to Emirate Stadium.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I've been tagged...Here we go
1. Next Friday is my 20th birthday
2. I am a crazy fan of soccer, supporting Arsenal
3. Favorite soccer star: Thierry Henry and Raul Gonzales
4. I have a younger sister who is just 5 years old now, she is so lovely.. lol
5. 178cm height (with shoe..hah)
6. my driving skill is perfect
7. I am learning how to play piano by myself
8. I used to play guitar
9. I am kind of single now cuz my girlfriend is not in US..wakaka
10. I prefer Asian girls more than white chicks
11. I am nearly a semi-pro of DOTA (which is one kind of RPG game of Warcraft 3)...hah
12. I like traveling around, with girls
13. I never go to the cinema with a friend who is not even a girl.
14. I work-out twice a week
15. My singing is ok
16. I enjoy luxury life in the future. huhu
17. I think western food is just like a piece of shit
18. I wanna have a car before Fall 09 semester
19. I am a good boy
20. I am a good student
21. I grew up in Shenzhen
22. I bought a I-Pod classical instead of I-touch, I am a little bit regretting doing
23. I like playing pull
24. I hate papers with those topic that sucks like malaria or something
25. I love my family
Sunday, February 15, 2009
video text
This nike soccer commercial is about how is Thierry Henry, who is a famous France football star, praticing his football skill at home. He enjoys playing football with his little dog, when he playing with it, he mindly considers it as a player from Manchester United which is a a main competitor of his team. He keeps praticing hard and using his beautiful skills of soccer to overcome every possible difficulties. Just as the most famous Nike's commercial words which is "Impossible is nothing", keep praticing and you are going to strong. Pratice, Pratice, pratice makes perfect.
Vedio form is one of general media forms that used to express and narrate something. Compare with the original or tranditional forms like novel and artcile, vedio is a form that with fascinations and attractions. The topic that the editor willing to express is easier to be understood by audience as it is using a virsual form. Nowadays, vedio text is widely used in commercials and media, the huge power it provides can not count by gold.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Vote for me
(It still needs a long time for Asian people to be a majority of American society, not in population but for the influence, Don't be political sensitive when reading my point of view, just have fun)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
homework due on Feb 6th
1. The social perspective
2. The emotional perspective
3. Rhetorical perspective
4. The logical perspective
5. The ethical perspective
In response for the article, I would like to use both “the social perspective” and “the ethical perspective”. Barrack Obama is the first color president in American history, which can be considered to be breaking point to the racial discrimination problem that widely concerned by the whole society. Racial discrimination is a problem that exists in the world that people show prejudice and discrimination towards color people especially black people. Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States on Jan. 20, 2009. The son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas, he was the first African-American to ascend to the highest office in the United State. I still remember how crazy those black people in my dorm building were, even happier than getting one million dollars for free however that was truly worth celebrating as it is such a historical event. Obama has run a successful campaign in the way of electioneering, however one of his behaviors that is considered to be a method of gaining votes is controversial, which is that he is supporter of “Pro-choice” as his background of christen. “Pro-choice” problem, which is named abortion in medical and biological issues, is a controversial ethical problem that influencing the society.
The election of president, especially the electioneering period, is a well reveal of problems existing in the society. The final winner should be the person that may more likely to solve these problems. So, good luck, Obama.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
homework due on Jan 28th
Not only African-American people have accents when talking, most international students like us are facing linguistic problem like imperfect and broken English. We feel ourselves being unfairly treated by some locals because of our accents and somehow awful pronunciations of some words. However, English is our second language and which sometimes force me asking some Americans whether they can speak any other languages except Spanish. As we, students who might have accent and language barriers, are trying our best to improve our usage of English, local speakers should show respects and kindness rather than laughing and discriminating. Lots of my American friends are friendly in helping me improving my English which I really appreciated, language is tools of communication, therefore a better understand of English can help us perceive the society here.
About “Mother Tongue”
Living environment, especially people around us, plays a vital role in influencing our behavior in life and also the spoken language we using. We, kids, like imitating what father and mother do and say. That’s why we always saying parents are our first teacher in life. However, some students may fall in trouble because of their accents as their parents have, which may also affect on their friendship and socialization. Some students are ashamed to their parents and even blame at them, however in my opinion parents are people who give you the birth, we should be proud of what we have and try to preserve them. The best way to develop yourself is to keep what you have, and absorb what is new.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
homework due on Jan 23th
2. Experience (internship and work)
3. Business activity
4. Community academic and technical skills
5. Plans about future
6. Personal enchantment
7. Interpersonal interaction
9. Habits
10. Physical condition
Community, academic and technical skills:
1. Ability to cooperate with people
2. Ability to communicate
3. Ability to contact new things
4. Ability to use computer
5. Ability to play any music instruments
6. Ability to have well organization about life
7. Ability to drive
8. Ability to drink
9. Ability to negotiate
10. Ability to play games
Thursday, January 15, 2009
homework due on Jan 16th
Ann E. Berthoff, who has a significant influence in academic-writing field, said “those learning to write and to teach writing will discover that language is itself the great heuristic”. In this case, Berthoff has definitely considered language as the most important intellectual tool. Therefore in my opinion, Language is something can not only help us perceive the world, but also itself acts as a deep headspring that has abundant knowledge attracting us to discover and perceive.