Friday, March 13, 2009

Sports Literacy

Oh , yeah…MSU basketball team has beat Kansas to enter the quarter final of NCAA, which heat Spartans up crazily. In every corner of campus, peoples are talking about this victory and looking forward the quarter final which is on Sunday this weekend. Basketball as usual brings people powerful enthusiasms and craziness, expressing our overpowering happiness and excitation. It expresses our appetency and willingness, therefore I am wondering if sports can be considered to be literacy.

I like sports, not only it can better our health, but also it is a carrier of spirit and faith. In 2002, I started to become additive to soccer of course because of 2002 World Cup which is held in Japan and Korea. As some other big-ball sports, enthusiasm and co-operation is high demanded in soccer, from where I learn the importance of teamwork. Nowadays, we can see players from different countries all playing in a same league, like English Premier League. That encourages the communication among countries. There is a saying that there is no border among players. A sports culture is going to be harvest.

Not only in soccer and basketball, we also have some other leagues for football, tennis, golf and so on. These sports are influencing large amount of people as they becoming more and more popular in the world, which can help encourage a healthy living style. Furthermore, some crazy fans also recognize the team or player they support as a faith.

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