Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Music Literacy

Music is everywhere is our daily life. Music is a magical way to express emotions through rhythms and notes. Even though you know how to play all the music instruments that used to compose a song, you cannot play it well if you know nothing about the background of the song. This refers to an understanding and comprehending of music, which is matched with the deeper definition of literacy, which is an understanding of life and culture.

I was asked, actually force to learn one kind of music instrument when I was just 12 years old. Randomly, I picked guitar as my start of music. Through practicing guitar, I can gradually understand the emotional blood flush among rhythms and notes in the music. I try to use my heart to perform a song by knowing the background of composing the song rather than just read the music score. I also tried to compose some songs to express my own emotions. You will understand the meaning of the song only when you know something about my life.

Music is an expression of emotion and life. As if we have music as a tool, we could understand others’ emotions by enjoying beautiful rhythms and notes. Music is really a magical literacy.

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